in collaboration with
Games for Change series
Rome, April 21st - April 28th - May 5th 2021
21 Aprile 2021 | 16.30 pm CEST
1st Talk – Gamification and Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage
The Gamification applied to cultural heritage sites provides new opportunities of change in the educational and cultural sphere through a re-evaluation of the game experience as a tool for the creation of more engaging forms of entertainment: The Holy City, Interactive Virtual Reality Experience by director Nimrod Shanit is a clear demonstration.
Streaming sul Canale Youtube VRE – VIRTUAL REALITY EXPERIENCE
28 Aprile 2021 | 16.30 CEST
2nd Talk – E-Learning, Gamification and VR: a new cognitive approach
How can the use of Virtual Reality represent a valid learning support? A participatory reflection on the use of immersive virtual reality devices in education: Why using them and how, with what advantages?
Streaming sul Canale Youtube VRE – VIRTUAL REALITY EXPERIENCE
5 Maggio 2021 | 16.30 CEST
3rd Talk – XR Arts: Arts in the future
The world of art takes on a different appearance, as well as its expressions: from writing to dance, from sculpture to painting, from music to acting: will A.I. machines be able to produce art? Could we still call it art?
Streaming sul Canale Youtube VRE – VIRTUAL REALITY EXPERIENCE