The common thread guiding the thematic choices of VRE20 is the great theme of Sustainable Development. Some of the most influential voices in the field of immersive technologies will take part in different moments of exchange and reflection to discuss together on topics of great interest not only for the experts.

The meetings will be held in a hybrid mode of physical meetings and online appointments, in collaboration with the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, which will allow VRE to host some of the events within its walls. All Talks and Masterclasses will be available in streaming on the virtual stage of the Stream Yard platform and all the users will also be able to view them on VRE's social channels free of charge.

16th of OCTOBER 2020 - Aula Magna Unitelma Sapienza with live streaming on VRE's social channels

Emerging technologies, health and medicine

Talk - h 10.00 - length: 90’

In collaboration with Unitelma Sapienza

The great potential of emerging technologies in the medical field for people's health and well-being.

Opening: Gaetano Tieri

Magnifico Rettore Unitelma Sapienza Prof. Antonello Folco Biagini
Gaetano Tieri – Responsabile Lab. Virtual Reality UNITELMA SAPIENZA
Prof. Salvatore M. Aglioti – Direttore Lab. Neuroscienze Sociali e Cognitive Sapienza

Marco Sacco – Head of CNR-STIIMA
Silvia Zabberoni – Ricercatrice Laboratorio di Neuropsicologia – IRCCS FONDAZIONE S. LUCIA
Marco Iosa – Professore Associato, Dipartimento di Psicologia – UNIVERSITA’ SAPIENZA DI ROMA
Giovanni Morone – Medico esperto in esperto in tecnologie per la neuroriabilitazione- FONDAZIONE S. LUCIA
Sarah Boukarras – Ricercatrice Laboratorio Neuroscienze Sociali e Cognitive – SAPIENZA
Elias Casula – Ricercatore Laboratorio di Neuropsicofisiologia Sperimentale – IRCCS FONDAZIONE S. LUCIA

New technologies for young people

Masterclass - h 12.00 - length: 45’

The opportunities for the development of professional competences for the jobs of tomorrow.

Institutional greeting: Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – On. Mirella Liuzzi

Opening and moderation:: Antonio Libonati – Presidente Associazione Italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO


Andrea Geremicca – Direttore EIIS (European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability)
Carlo Rodomonti – Responsabile Marketing Strategico e Digital Rai Cinema – Rai Cinema Channel
Federico Montagna – Digital Curator, Fondatore di Artoday

Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Talk - h 14.30 - length: 60’

A philosophical approach guided by ethics in the development of the emerging technologies.

Opening and moderation: Giovanni Tridente – Communication Office Coordinator e Professore – Università Pontificia Santa Croce


Gilberto Corbellini – Direttore Dipartimento Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale CNR
Massimo Chiriatti – CTO Blockchain & Digital Currencies IBM
Paolo Benanti – Ethics of Technologies, Information and AI Ethics, Big Data
Nicola Gasbarro – Professore Storia delle Religioni e Antropologia culturale – Università degli studi di Udine

Making Art in XR - Culture, art and immersive technologies

Panel - h 16:00 - length: 60’

The bond between Art and immersive technologies. How does the contamination between the classic artistic genres and immersive technologies occur?

Opening and moderation: Valentino Catricalà – Dir. Art Section Maker Faire-The European Edition | Art Consultant Sony CS Lab Paris


Laura delli Colli – Presidente Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Emmanuel Cuénod – Directeur artistique et général – GENEVA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL
Michel Reilhac – Programmer Venice VR, Head of studies for Venice Biennale College Cinema and Cinema VR
Celine Tricart – Founder, Chief Creative Officer – Lucid Dreams Productions
Evelyn Wang – Independent art curator Shanghai
Judit Guez – Phd VR/MR Artist-Researcher | Founder-Director Art&VR Festival Recto VRso – Laval Virtual

How to build the virtual experience of cultural heritage:forms, languages, interactions and technologies

Talk - h 18:00 - length: 60’

Eva Pietroni, ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai Beni Culturali del Cnr


Daniele Ferdani – Ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr
Emanuel Demetrescu – Ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr
Augusto Palombini – Ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr
Eva Pietroni – Ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr
Bruno Fanini – Ricercatore dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr
Alfonsina Pagano – Ricercatrice dell’Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr

17th of OCTOBER 2020 - Streaming on VRE's social channels and Twitch

AR and VR for the world of culture, education and training

Panel - h 10:00 - length: 120’

Opening and moderation: Lorenzo Montagna – Presidente VRARA 


Davide Pantile – Project manager BU New Media – ETT SPA

Giovanni Bazzoni – Presidente Digital Tales USA Virtual Visit in a Timepieces

Laura Iacovone – Founder & CEO 3f-lab SRL 

Donato De Ieso – Founder & CEO Dilium SRL 

Michela Di Vietro – CTO Augmented city SRL 

Virtual reality and the challenges of the present in the fashion industry

Kenyote: h 12:00 - length: 30’


Guido Geminiani – CEO at IMPERSIVE VR & founder / CCO at Brandon Box


Customer Engagement in the Spatial Computing Era

Panel - h 14.00 - length: 40’


Opening and moderation: Lorenzo Cappanari – CEO AnotheReality


Paolo Colavolpe –  Product Manager Island Records
Erminia Nicoletti – Cloud Marketing Leader IBM

Virtual reality as an experimental tool in contexts aimed at entertainment and cultural dissemination

Talk - h 15.20 - length: 40’


Opening and moderation: Francesco Serino – Redattore di Multiplayer e collaboratore del Sole 24 Ore


Federico Ercole Giornalista e responsabile del settore videogame del MUFANT-MuseoLab del Fantastico e della Fantascienza di Torino
Piero Feltrinelli – Managing Director ITCUBE, Creative Director AUGMENTA

XR and Sustainable Development

Talk - h 16.40 - length: 30’

The XR as an opportunity for a more fair, inclusive and supportive future, towards the goals set by the 2030 Agenda.

Opening and moderation: Adriano D’AloiaDocente di cinema e media visuali, Università della Campania


Ollie Rankin – VR Storyteller, Public Speaker, VFX Supervisor
Kristine Severson – Strategic Partnerships and Content, Video Games, AR/VR

Digital Humanities: Women's approach

Talk - h 17.30 - length: 40’

From STEM to STEAM for a modern and interdisciplinary approach to research and innovation (with the goal of achieving an even greater gender equality) that values the essential bond between Art and Science.

Opening and moderation: Luciana Maci – Content Author, Giornalista tecnologico


Gianna Martinengo – Fondatrice e presidente di Didael KTS e ideatrice di Women&Technologies 
Maria Eugenia D’Aquino – Ideatrice e direttrice artistica di TeatroInMatematica/ScienzaInScena presso PACTA
Valentina Cagnina – Co-Founder and Mentor OFpassiON



VRE21 - "XR for a Virtual Future: Partnership with Laval Virtual"

KEYNOTE - h 18.30 - length: 30’

 Carlo Corinaldesi – Community Partner LATAM  at “Laval Virtual World” ,  Laval Virtual